Why Your AC Maybe Leaking Water


A typical air conditioner (AC) produces considerable condensation when running, but this isn't normally a problem because the water is collected and drained off in a safe manner. It's only when a malfunction occurs that the condensation starts to leak and becomes an issue. Here are some of the possible causes of AC water leaks:

The Drain Line Is Blocked or Disconnected

The drain line channels condensation inside the air handler to the outside.  It makes sense, therefore, that the condensation will leak if the drain line is blocked or disconnected. In such a case, the water will spill out prematurely. A common cause of drain line disconnection is the regular vibrations of the unit; this happens over time. Clogging usually occurs if the system is dirty, for example, by algae and mold.

The Condenser Pump Is Broken

The condensate pumps, just like the name suggests, gets rid of the condensed moisture by pumping it outside through the condensate line. Therefore, if the pump is damaged and malfunctioning, it will fail in this duty and the condensed moisture will collect within the unit and overflow, leading to water leaks.

The Air Filters Are Clogged

Clogged air filters interfere with airflow through the system, and this has far-reaching consequences. For example, clogged filters will reduce the volume of air reaching the evaporator coil. Since this air should heat up the coil and vaporize the condenser, the condenser coils will remain cold and even freeze if they are not getting heated up. It is the water frozen over the coils that will melt and flow/leak out of the system.

The Seals Are Damaged

The parts of the HVAC that come into contact with condensation or water all have seals on their connections to prevent water from leaking and damaging other parts of the system. It makes sense, therefore, that the system will start leaking if these seals are damaged, say, by regular wear and tear.

Low Refrigerant

Lastly, a low refrigerant situation may also lead to water leaking from your HVAC unit. This happens because of the refrigerant level is low, the HVAC's efficiency will be affected in all respects. For example, the HVAC will not be able to remove moisture from the air as it usually does, and the moisture-laden air will condense and cause leaks.

In short, a number of things can cause your AC to leak water, and you need a diagnosis to pinpoint the problem. Consult a technician to help you with the diagnosis and fix. To learn more, contact a company like Alabama Climate Control. 


8 February 2018

Inspecting Your Air Ducts

Last summer, I began to get extremely hot in my home. My air conditioning system couldn’t adequately keep my home cool anymore. Therefore, I contacted an experienced HVAC contractor. This individual visited my home and thoroughly inspected my unit. If your air conditioner isn’t working like it once did, your air ducts may be clogged up. Thankfully, an expert HVAC contractor can determine if faulty air ducts are the cause of the hot temperatures inside your home. On this blog, you will discover how an HVAC contractor can properly inspect your air ducts. Stay cool and comfortable during the hot summer months!