Why You Should Hire A Heating Service Instead Of Heating Your Home With Space Heaters


You might be thinking about the cold weather and how you are going to keep your home warm during the winter months. If so, you could be thinking about buying either gas-powered or electric-powered space heaters that you can purchase from mass-market retail stores and home improvement stores. You might think this will be a faster, easier, and more affordable option than working with a professional heating service to either have your non-working heating system repaired or to have a brand new heating system installed.

7 September 2021

Ways To Reduce Your Cooling Costs


Running your air conditioner during summer can increase your electricity bill significantly because you have to let it run for long hours to keep your space cool. But does that mean you should be okay with high energy bills? Definitely not. You should look for ways to bring down the bill a bit.  You don't have to pay exorbitant bills to your power company just because you are running an AC unit.

18 August 2021

Smart Things To Do With AC Installations


You may get to a point with your AC unit where you no longer want to rely on it. There might be safety issues or problems keeping it running efficiently. If you end up replacing the unit with another one, make sure you do these things throughout your installation. You won't regret it. Determine What Condition You Want Before you install another AC unit in your home, first think about what condition you want to get out of the replacement.

20 July 2021

3 Hidden AC Problems A Tune-Up Can Uncover


Like any mechanical system, your air conditioner can fail in ways that are both apparent and more subtle. Some of these failures may leave your system more or less operational, even though they can reduce its efficiency or lead to substantial premature wear. Allowing hidden problems to go unaddressed is often a costly mistake that can leave you sweating over an excessive repair bill. One of the best ways to avoid falling victim to lurking air conditioner trouble is by following a regular maintenance schedule.

29 June 2021

Heating System Repair: 3 Common Heating System Problems And How To Fix Them


As winter draws closer, one of the things you need to pay close attention to is your heating system. Your heating unit could be the only reason you made it through the coldest months, and it is for this reason that you should take great care of it. Imagine it breaking down when you need it most. That would be terrible. To prevent such from happening, it is essential to look out for potential problems and deal with them before they escalate.

2 June 2021

The Various Reasons Your Residential Air Conditioning System May Blow Warm Air


Having a correctly sized and well-maintained air conditioning system in your home is essential for beating the scorching heat of the summer months. Unfortunately, you may face problems with your AC system, even if you take good care of it. One of the most dreadful problems you may experience is your air conditioner blowing lukewarm air. Keep reading to familiarize yourself with a few common culprits behind this issue. Wrong/Hotter Temperature Setting

4 May 2021

4 Reasons The Refrigerant In Your AC Might Leak Out, And The Repairs That Help


Your air conditioner might operate for years and never have a refrigerant leak. However, leaks are always possible, and the risk increases the older your equipment gets. Here's a look at four causes of refrigerant leaks and the repairs that might be needed. 1. Leaks Due To Age And Wear The refrigerant in your AC flows through lines that connect two sets of coils. One of the coils is outside in the condenser, and the other is indoors.

16 April 2021